Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ideas on how to use Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a very useful tool which can be used in many capacities. First of all, social bookmarking can be very useful in school because it enables students and teachers to collaborate with each other using information on the Internet. In addition, because social bookmarking enables users to comment and review the bookmark, teachers and students can interact with each other and teachers can check if students read and understood the material based on the comments or notes they have written. Social bookmarking can be used in group projects and in individual projects. When the entire class is working on a topic at the same time or when a particular group project is assigned, social bookmarking can be used for collaboration between members of the group or class. Teachers and students can select and archive resources relating to the topic and share those links with each other. Teachers and students can comment on the URLs and discussions, albeit limited, can ensue. When an individual is working on a particular project, the teacher can post URLs for the student to read. This reduces the time doing online research and improves the relevancy of the resources found. In the same vein, social bookmarking can be quite advantageous for companies as well. It can be used to share relevant information with the appropriate parties before important meetings or before meeting with prospective clients. It can also be used to publish important or interesting information to share with colleagues. Social bookmarking is not only about sharing. It can also be used to consume information. For example, an individual can use RSS to direct specific web-based information about himself, search others bookmarks using tags, tag clouds to see relationships between concepts and discover people with similar interests based on similarities in tags and bookmarked sites. As I am a college student, social bookmarking can be used to help me with individual projects and group projects. It can also be used as medium to post additional information relevant to courses I am currently taking which can enhance the course or provide clearer insight into topics discussed and their relevance today.
I had previously never heard of social bookmarking. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it is relatively simple to do. It is, however, time consuming. I spent hours finding and tagging the 20 sites required for this assignment. While social bookmarking can be very useful for businesses, groups and schools, especially when working on specific projects, it is not as interactive as some other Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis, blogs and social networking sites!

Some of the information on this post is taken from Exploring Web 2.0 by Ann Bell

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